Saturday, August 27, 2011



The existence of electromagnetic waves was predicted by James Clerk Maxwell in 1864 from his equations. In 1888, Heinrich Hertz was the first to demonstrate the existence of electromagnetic waves by building an apparatus that produced and detected microwaves in the UHF region. The design necessarily used horse-and-buggy materials, including a horse trough, a wrought iron point spark, Leyden jars, and a length of zinc gutter whose parabolic cross-section worked as a reflection antenna. In 1894 J. C. Bose publicly demonstrated radio control of a bell using millimeter wavelengths, and conducted research into the propagation of microwaves.putting the lower boundary at 1GHz (30cm), and the upper around 100GHz (3mm).



Filter is an electrical network that can transmit signals within a specified frequency range . This frequency range is called pass band and other frequency band where the signal are suppressed is called stop band .The frequency that separates the pass and stop band is known as cut off frequency .

TYPES OF FILTER : Filters are of four types . These are as follows -

  1. Low pass filter : In low pass filter the transfer function is

H(s) = ----------------------- where s = jw H(jw) = gain

b2s² +b1s + bо

here increase of frequency makes the gain extremely low .

  1. High pass filter : In high pass filter transfer function is


H(s) = ---------------------- s=jw H(jw) = gain

b2s² + b1s + b0

Here at low frequency gain is low but at high frequency gain become constant.

3. Band pass filter : In band pass filter transfer function is


H(s) = -------------------------

b2s² + b1s +bo

here at a middle frequency range H(s) remains constant.

  1. Band stop(or rejected) filter : In band stop filter transfer function is


H(s) = ------------------------------

b2s² +b1s+bo

Their characteristic is shown in the figure


MICROWAVE BANDPASS FILTER :Micro wave filter & microwave BPF


Filter which are designed at microwave frequency is called microwave filter. Microwave filter uses distributed elements . If lumped elements are used for filter design at microwave frequency ,microwave filter design becomes identical to low frequency filter design .


Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from as long as one meter down to as short as one millimeter, or equivalently, with frequencies between 300MHz (0.3 GHz) and 300 GHz. This is an extremely broad definition including both UHF and EHF (millimeter waves), and various sources use different boundaries. In all cases, microwave includes the entire SHF band (3 to 30GHz, or 10 to 1cm) at minimum, with RF engineering often putting the lower boundary at 1GHz (30cm), and the upper around 100GHz (3mm).

MICROWAVE BANDPASS FILTER :Microwave frequency bands

Microwave frequency bands

The microwave spectrum is usually defined as electromagnetic energy ranging from approximately 1 GHz to 1000 GHz in frequency, but older usage includes lower frequencies. Most common applications are within the 1 to 40 GHz range. Microwave frequency bands, as defined by the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), are shown in the table below:

Microwave frequency bands

Letter Designation

Frequency range


L band

1 to 2 GHz

Military, world space satellite radio, optical

communication, GSM mobile phone.

S band

2 to 4 GHz

Weather radar, surface ship radar and some

Communication satellite used by NASA .

C band

4 to 8 GHz

Satellite television broadcasts, wifi devices,

Cordless phone .

X band

8 to 12 GHz

Satellite communication , radar, space

Communication motion detection .

Ku band

12 to 18 GHz

Military , traffic speed detector

K band

18 to 26.5 GHz

Satellite communication ,radar, traffic speed


Ka band

26.5 to 40 GHz

Radar and experimental communication .

Q band

30 to 50 GHz

Radar and signal processing ,radio astronomy

Studies such as telescope, automotive radar .

V band

50 to 75 GHz

High capacity terrestrial millimeter wave

Communication system, scientific research.

E band

60 to 90 GHz

Wireless technology

W band

75 to 110 GHz

Millimeter wave radar search , military radar

targeting , tracking application .



Filter which are designed at microwave frequency is called microwave filter. Microwave filter uses distributed elements . If lumped elements are used for filter design at microwave frequency ,microwave filter design becomes identical to low frequency filter design .


Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from as long as one meter down to as short as one millimeter, or equivalently, with frequencies between 300MHz (0.3 GHz) and 300 GHz. This is an extremely broad definition including both UHF and EHF (millimeter waves), and various sources use different boundaries. In all cases, microwave includes the entire SHF band (3 to 30GHz, or 10 to 1cm) at minimum, with RF engineering often putting the lower boundary at 1GHz (30cm), and the upper around 100GHz (3mm).

There are different types of microwave filter .Among these we are focusing on microwave bandpass filter . It has

Different topologies :->

1. Hair pin

2. comb line

3. Ideal lumped

4. Ideal distributed

5. Inter digital

6. Edge coupled

7. stepped impedance

8. Tubular Waveguide

EDGE coupled filter: The topology consists of asymmetric coupled-slot pairs that symmetric about the center of CPW line. Experimental results are given for a 20GHz filter printed on high-resistivity silicon. As microstrip ,CPW filters may be comprised of coupled lines. Operating principle is based on propagation of two orthogonal modes on the coupled slot geometry and magnetic-wall symmetry is maintained along the center of the line.

Ø Equivalent circuit for an individual for individual coupling section in the bandpass filter (phi=∏/2)

Ø Equivalent circuit for an individual for individual coupling section in the bandpass filter (phi=∏/2)


IDLE lumped filter:-When we are discussing lumped elements, their are two broad categories of inductors and capacitors. The first is surface mount parts, which are suitable for use on a microwave printed circuit board. The second category is thin-film lumped elements, which are used on microwave integrated circuits (MICs) on alumina or other "hard" substrates, as well as in MMIC implementations. Surface mount capacitors can be useful up to Ku-band, while the inductors generally have self-resonances below X-band. Thin-film capacitors are used routinely up to 100 GHz in MMICs. Lumped inductors on thin-films (and MMICs) take the shape of spiral inductors, and are limited to frequencies Ku-band and lower. Inductors are the problem stepchild of lumped element filters and other microwave circuits!!

The terms "tee" and "pi" are used to describe lumped element filters, as well as attenuators and other networks. A tee element starts with a series element, while a pi network starts with a shunt element as shown below. The "tee" resembles a letter T while the "pi" resembles a Greek.Used in band-pass filters, lumped elements can really help your designs. Not only are the resulting filters compact, but they have no "natural" reentrant modes that you will encounter with other filter technologies such as planar resonator structures.

IDLE Distributed: Transmission line filters use distributed theory to translate lumped LC filters to lumped filters composed of distributed stubs. Inductors and parallel LC resonators may be replaced with shorted distributed stubs, Capacitors and series LC resonators may be replaced with open distributed stubs. Replacing LC resonators with a single stub is more efficient, but results in significantly more aliasing.  Inductors may be replaced with 90 deg distributed segments.  Series resonators may be replaced by 180 deg distributed segments.  Checking the "Combine Stubs" box in Filter Solutions will cause filters to be synthesized with single stub resonators.  Checking the "Use Segments" box will cause filters to be synthesized using distributed segments instead of cascade stubs.

WAVEGUIDEFILTER: In many microwave radio systems, waveguide filters are used as preselectors and diplexers. With highchannelcapacity systems, the filters must have a broad passband, high selectivity, low-insertion loss and a small differential or group

delay. The former two requirements dictate that the filter have a large number of circuit elements. However, with conventional waveguide band-pass filters, this tends to degrade both the passband insertion loss and the group delay.


STEPPED IMPEDEANCE: A dual-band band pass filter equipped with stepped-impedance resonators for filtering a signal, comprising: a circuit board; an input end located on the circuit board for receiving the signal; an output end located on the circuit board to transmit the filtered signal; and at least two resonators located on the circuit board, each of the resonators including a connecting section and two coupling sections; the connecting section connecting two coupling sections; one coupling section of the first resonator being coupled with one coupling section of the second resonator and the other coupling section of the first resonator being coupled with the input end or the output end.

relatively smaller size than the BPF having parallel coupled lines.

HAIRPIN FILTER: The hairpin bandpass filter(BPF) has been extensively investigated and widely used many microwave and millimeter-wave systems in order to achieve high performance,small size and low cost and comply with strictly required transmission specifications. Thereare many types of bandpass filter design techniques to meet the above requirements,such as the use of high permittivity materials,variation of resonators structures,and use of multiple resonant modes strip line BPF having Hairpin resonator structure, and use of multiple resonant modes. Controlling the center frequency and improving the characteristics of the purposed BPF have been addressed. The use of DGS cells shows a good effect on the stopband. The second order filters with quasi elliptic reponse were presented. Controlling the center frequencies and achieving a good matching at the passband can be simply realized.

COMBLINE FILTER: The resonators in this type of filter consist of quasi transverse electromagnetic(TEM)-mode transmission lines that are short-circuited at one end and have a lumped capacitance C○ between the other end of each resonator line element and ground.

Coupling between resonators is achieved in this type of filter by way of fringing fields between the resonator lines. If the resonator sections are long at the primary passband(f○), then thesecond passband will be centered on 4f○. If the resonator line elements are made to be less at the primary passband, the second passband will be even further removed from the primary passband.



The resonators in this type of filter consist of quasi transverse electromagnetic(TEM)-mode transmission lines that are short-circuited at one end and have a lumped capacitance C○ between the other end of each resonator line element and ground.

Coupling between resonators is achieved in this type of filter by way of fringing fields between the resonator lines. If the resonator sections are long at the primary passband(f○), then thesecond passband will be centered on 4f○. If the resonator line elements are made to be less at the primary passband, the second passband will be even further removed from the primary passband.

Microwave network parameters :

Visulization of microwave network seems to be an interconnection of many microwave devices like attenuators, resonators etc coupled by transmission lines or waveguide. For high frequency wave length is small so parameters like terminal voltage or current can not remain constant and so microwave ckts are analyzed through scattering matrix i.e. s- parameters.

Scattering matrix : We know that

Vr exp(+γz)

Г = -------------------------

Vi exp(-γz)

Where Vr and Vi are –ve and +ve voltage traveling waves i.e. reflected and incident wave respectively and γ

is propagation constant and z is the point on transmission line and Г is voltage reflection coefficient.


For scattering matrix incident and reflected microwave amplitudes at any port are used to characteristic the


v1i v2i

a1 = ------------ a2= ------------

(z01)½ ( z01)½

v1r v2r

b1= ----------- b2= ---------

(z01)½ (z01)½

b1 = s11a1 +s12a2

b2 = s21a1 +s22a2

where s11 s12

is scattering matrix

s21 s22


Smith chart :

The Smith chart is plotted on the complex reflection coefficient plane in two dimensions and is scaled in normalised impedance (the most common), normalised admittance or both, using different colours to distinguish between them. These are often known as the Z, Y and YZ Smith charts respectively.[7] Normalised scaling allows the Smith chart to be used for problems involving any characteristic impedance or system impedance, although by far the most commonly used is 50 ohms. With relatively simple graphical construction it is straighforward to convert between normalised impedance (or normalised admittance) and the corresponding complex voltage reflection coefficient.

The Smith chart has circumferential scaling in wavelengths and degrees. The wavelengths scale is used in distributed component problems and represents the distance measured along the transmission line connected between the generator or source and the load to the point under consideration. The degrees scale represents the angle of the voltage reflection coefficient at that point. The Smith chart may also be used for lumped element matching and analysis problems.

Use of the Smith chart and the interpretation of the results obtained using it requires a good understanding of AC circuit theory and transmission line theory, both of which are pre-requisites for RF engineers.

As impedances and admittances change with frequency, problems using the Smith chart can only be solved manually using one frequency at a time, the result being represented by a point. This is often adequate for narrow band applications (typically up to about 5% to 10% bandwidth) but for wider bandwidths it is usually necessary to apply Smith chart techniques at more than one frequency across the operating frequency band. Provided the frequencies are sufficiently close, the resulting Smith chart points may be joined by straight lines to create a locus.

A locus of points on a Smith chart covering a range of frequencies can be used to visually represent:

how capacitive or how inductive a load is across the frequency range

how difficult matching is likely to be at various frequencies

how well matched a particular component is.

The accuracy of the Smith chart is reduced for problems involving a large spread of impedances or admittances, although the scaling can be magnified for individual areas to accommodate these

Using transmission line theory, if a transmission line is terminated in an impedance (clip_image001) which differs from its characteristic impedance (clip_image002), a standing wave will be formed on the line comprising the resultant of both the forward (clip_image003) and the reflected (clip_image004) waves. Using complex exponential notation:




clip_image007is the temporal part of the wave

clip_image008is the spatial part of the wave and


clip_image010is the angular frequency in radians per second (rad/s)

clip_image011is the frequency in hertz (Hz)

clip_image012is the time in seconds (s)

clip_image013and clip_image014are constants

clip_image015is the distance measured along the transmission line from the generator in metres (m)


clip_image016is the propagation constant which has units 1/m


clip_image017is the attenuation constant in nepers per metre (Np/m)

clip_image018is the phase constant in radians per metre (rad/m)

The Smith chart is used with one frequency at a time so the temporal part of the phase (clip_image019) is fixed. All terms are actually multiplied by this to obtain the instantaneous phase, but it is conventional and understood to omit it. Therefore



The variation of complex reflection coefficient with position along the line

The complex voltage reflection coefficient clip_image022is defined as the ratio of the reflected wave to the incident (or forward) wave. Therefore


where C is also a constant.

For a uniform transmission line (in which clip_image024is constant), the complex reflection coefficient of a standing wave varies according to the position on the line. If the line is lossy (clip_image017[1] is finite) this is represented on the Smith chart by a spiral path. In most Smith chart problems however, losses can be assumed negligible (clip_image025) and the task of solving them is greatly simplified. For the loss free case therefore, the expression for complex reflection coefficient becomes


The phase constant clip_image018[1]may also be written as


where clip_image028is the wavelength within the transmission line at the test frequency.



This equation shows that, for a standing wave, the complex reflection coefficient and impedance repeats every half wavelength along the transmission line. The complex reflection coefficient is generally simply referred to as reflection coefficient. The outer circumferential scale of the Smith chart represents the distance from the generator to the load scaled in wavelengths and is therefore scaled from zero to 0.50.

[edit] The variation of normalised impedance with position along the line

If clip_image030and clip_image031are the voltage across and the current entering the termination at the end of the transmission line respectively, then



By dividing these equations and substituting for both the voltage reflection coefficient


and the normalised impedance of the termination represented by the lower case z, subscript T


gives the result:


Alternatively, in terms of the reflection coefficient


These are the equations which are used to construct the Z Smith chart. Mathematically speaking clip_image022[1]and clip_image038are related via a Möbius transformation.

Both clip_image022[2]and clip_image038[1]are expressed in complex numbers without any units. They both change with frequency so for any particular measurement, the frequency at which it was performed must be stated together with the characteristic impedance.

clip_image022[3]may be expressed in magnitude and angle on a polar diagram. Any actual reflection coefficient must have a magnitude of less than or equal to unity so, at the test frequency, this may be expressed by a point inside a circle of unity radius. The Smith chart is actually constructed on such a polar diagram. The Smith chart scaling is designed in such a way that reflection coefficient can be converted to normalised impedance or vice versa. Using the Smith chart, the normalised impedance may be obtained with appreciable accuracy by plotting the point representing the reflection coefficient treating the Smith chart as a polar diagram and then reading its value directly using the characteristic Smith chart scaling. This technique is a graphical alternative to substituting the values in the equations.

By substituting the expression for how reflection coefficient changes along an unmatched loss free transmission line


for the loss free case, into the equation for normalised impedance in terms of reflection coefficient


and using Euler's identity


yields the impedance version transmission line equation for the loss free case:[8]


where clip_image042is the impedance 'seen' at the input of a loss free transmission line of length l, terminated with an impedance clip_image043

Versions of the transmission line equation may be similarly derived for the admittance loss free case and for the impedance and admittance lossy cases.

The Smith chart graphical equivalent of using the transmission line equation is to normalise clip_image043[1], to plot the resulting point on a Z Smith chart and to draw a circle through that point centred at the Smith chart centre. The path along the arc of the circle represents how the impedance changes whilst moving along the transmission line. In this case the circumferential (wavelength) scaling must be used, remembering that this is the wavelength within the transmission line and may differ from the free space wavelength.

[edit] Regions of the Z Smith chart

If a polar diagram is mapped on to a cartesian coordinate system it is conventional to measure angles relative to the positive x-axis using a counter-clockwise direction for positive angles. The magnitude of a complex number is the length of a straight line drawn from the origin to the point representing it. The Smith chart uses the same convention, noting that, in the normalised impedance plane, the positive x-axis extends from the center of the Smith chart at clip_image044to the point clip_image045. The region above the x-axis represents inductive impedances and the region below the x-axis represents capacitive impedances. Inductive impedances have positive imaginary parts and capacitive impedances have negative imaginary parts.

If the termination is perfectly matched, the reflection coefficient will be zero, represented effectively by a circle of zero radius or in fact a point at the centre of the Smith chart. If the termination was a perfect open circuit or short circuit the magnitude of the reflection coefficient would be unity, all power would be reflected and the point would lie at some point on the unity circumference circle.

Q-factor: The Q-factor is a measure of the frequency selectivity of a resonant or

Antiresonent circuit, and it is defined as

Maximum energy stored

Q= 2π ----------------------------------

Energy dissipated per cycle


= ------


Where W is the maximum energy stored and P is the average power loss.

At resonent frequency, the electric & magnetic energies are equal and intime quadrature.When the electric energy maximum, the magnetic energy is zero and vice-versa. The total energy stored in the resonator is obtained by integrating the energy density over the volume of the resonator.

W е =∫ ε/2 ‌‌‌│E│²dv=wm=∫ μ/2 │H│²dv=W

v v

where , │E│ and │H│are the peak values of the field intensities.

The average power loss in the resonator can be obtained by integrating the power density over the inner surface of the resonator:

Hence, p=Rs/2∫ ‌ │Ht│²da

Where,Ht is the peak value of the tangential magnetic intensity and Rs is the surface of the resonator.

ωµ ∫│H│²dv


Now, Q= -------------------

Rs ∫│Ht│²da


Since the peak value of the magnetic intensity is related to its tangential and normal components by


where, │Hn│ is the peak value of the normal magnetic intensity, the value of│Ht│²at the resonator walls is approximately twice the value of│H│²averaged over the volume.

So, the Q of a cavity resonator can be expressed approximately by


Q= --------------------------

2Rs(surface areas)

An unloading resonant circuit can be represented by either a series or a parallel resonant ckt. The resonant frequency and the unloaded Qο of a cavity resonator are



Loaded Ql of the system is given by:

Ql=ω○L/(R+N²Zg) for [N²Ls]<<[R+N²Zg]

The coupling coefficient of the system is defined as:



The Ql=ωοL/R(1+K)=Qο/1+K

There are three types of coupling:

1. Critical coupling :if the resonator is matched to the generator, then K=1 then Ql=1⁄2Qο

2. Over coupling: if k>1, the cavity terminals are at a voltage maximum in the input line at the resonance.The normalized impedance at the voltage is the standing wave ratio.That is K=P

The loaded Ql=Qο/1+p

3 Under coupling : if k<1, the cavity terminals are at a voltage minimum and the input terminal impedance is equal to the reciprocal of the standing-wave ratio.