Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Nanotube transistors: To build the nano transistor, the researchers grew carbon nanotubes, each one measuring only 0.7 to 1.1 nm in diameter, in a controlled process. the world's smallest nanotube transistor, with a channel length of only 18 nm - the most advanced transistors currently in production are almost four times this size.

The nanotube transistor just unveiled can deliver currents in excess of 15 µA at a supply voltage of only 0.4 V (0.7 V is currently the norm). A current density some 10 times above that of silicon, today's standard material, has been observed.

Nanotubes, which resemble microscopic straws of rolled-up chicken wire, are widely viewed as the potential next generation of materials for enabling improved speed and energy efficiency of computer chips.

The transistors are grouped in the same "cascading" sequences needed to produce computational logic and memory, and the process used to make them is compatible with the industrial VLSI (very large scale integration) manufacturing standard.


Integrated circuits more practical:

The handful of nanotube transistors in the circuits the team fabricated can't compare to the hundreds of millions of transistors on a commercial microprocessor or memory chip, but their arrangement, the way they were made and their properties are much closer to commercial-grade than any nanotube devices made before. The transistors are grouped in the same "cascading" sequences needed to produce computational logic and memory, and the process used to make them is compatible with the industrial VLSI (very large scale integration) manufacturing standard.

OPTICAL LED’s: are now used in cell phones and MP3 displays and prototype television sets, but their production requires a complex process, and it is difficult to manufacture OLEDs that are small enough for high-resolution displays. Unlike conventional computer chips - called CMOS, for complementary metal oxide semiconductor chips - the nanowire thin-film transistors could be produced less expensively under low temperatures, making them ideal to incorporate into flexible plastics that would melt under high-temperature processing. Conventional liquid crystal displays in flat-panel televisions and monitors are backlit by a white light, and each pixel acts as a filter that turns on and off to create images. OLEDS, however, emit light directly, eliminating the need to backlight the screen and making it possible to create more vivid displays. The researchers used nanowires as small as 20 nanometers - a thousand times thinner than a human hair - to create a display containing organic light emitting diodes, or OLEDS. The OLEDS are devices that rival the brightness of conventional pixels in flat-panel television sets, computer monitors and displays in consumer electronics. at are thin and flexible.

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